Adapting My Eyes When They Didn’t Want To Adapt…

I remember when I first got dark wraparound eye shades – it was 2005, and for some reason I thought that they might be a good idea for driving around at work, so I bought a pair from Walgreens that fit cleanly over my glasses and thought nothing about it.

The next year I wore them for two weeks – one week in the winter when the show was especially reflective, and one week in the summer when the sun seemed especially bright. The year after that, I wore them for half the weeks over the year, the year after that there was MAYBE two weeks when I kept them off.

Think of that for a minute – by that point I was wearing the wraparounds not just during sunny or snowy days, but also when it was overcast yet somewhat bright outside. Both weeks I didn’t wear the wraparounds was when it was overcast enough to make things dark in wintertime.

It was around that time that I did two things:

  1. Got glasses that had magnetic clipovers so that I could add shades without wearing wraparounds, and
  2. Started doing additional supplements.

I did various different formulas before finding that Occuvite worked. Odd thing was, while it seemed the one to work right away, I started noticing the real effects six-nine months after I started taking them. That’s how long it took for me to notice that I was using the clipon shades less and less.

I decided to go without the clipons one year – around the time that I decided to stop using the Occuvite. Didn’t go well, as I noticed I was using the clipons more and more; so after a while I returned to the year-old clipons and started using the Occuvite again. Six months later (again note the time lag) the clipon shades became less and less used.

At my most recent eye doctor visit, I found myself not caring about clipon shades – this after noticing that you no longer needed specific glasses for clip-ons as they had stuff that could be added to regular glasses. The past year I found myself leaving the clip-on portion of the glasses where they were (the past few years I actually bought two clipons, one for work and one for home), so it made sense to not get the clip-ons anymore. Also saved money on the glasses, as the extra lenses for clip-ons were always extra money.

I still take Occuvite – takes six months for the effects to start, takes six months for the effects to fade once you stop. Sure, I can see a day when I no longer need to take the stuff, but until then I’m taking it.

(This is Volume 3 of “Supplements I’ve Found Worth Taking”)

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